Every year on New Years Eve I take a selfie and write a few notes out to social media world. Figured you could read them too :)
Ever walk out of a movie and not know whether you liked it or not? That’s kinda 2020 for me I wish I had something more profound to say, but it really is kind of vanilla
Hotel towers, security guards, Donald and electric cars, Fires all around the place, A tiny bug stopped the human race
Speak on mute is now a thing Another f$&king zoom meeting Work from home is our new norm Beirut had a hellfire storm
We didn’t start the virus All across the nation Waiting for vaccination
We didn’t start the virus Some dude in Wuhan Ate from the wrong food van
Prince Harry and Meg renounced, Stock market crashed and bounced Kanye wants the biggest crown But he piked out and let us down
The orange fella got impeached Sydney had to close the beach Sent some guys to outer space 2020 what a waste
We didn’t start the virus They call it COVID 19 I feel like a has been
We didn’t start the virus As for twenty twenty Well we’ve had plenty
Here’s to you Jac