Somewhere around 2016 I was doing a lot of photography and realised that I would like to do something that combined my love of music and still imagery - and Rat Music was born.
I was lucky enough to be playing semi-regular gigs at Suttons House Of Music so I thought no better place to host an exhibition as part of the Ballarat International Foto Biennale . As luck would have it, the amazing Nadia Moth was also looking for a place to exhibit so we got to work, and with the help of the fantastic Dani Fry and staff at Suttons we were away. We had a fantastic launch with Tessa Marshall and Shane Gilbert providing entertainment. Below is a gallery of the images that I created. Some are posed, some are live. All of the images were given to the artists (where possible) as a donation for their time and effort. This was such a fun project and I would love to do something like this again in the future. In order are:
Adrian Smith
Andrew Fry
Deb Clarke
Jac Kreemers
Max Sharam
Mick Trembath
Patrick McCabe
Rhiannon Simpson
Shane Gibert
Steve Plater